Tag Archives: final crisis

Tres Komikeros 19

ep19This episode’s a little late, but we hope everyone had a nice nerdy weekend anyway.  This week’s main books are Locke and Key: Head Games #1, Prometheus #1, and G.I. Joe #1.  Lotsa first issues for you guys.  We also have a round of quick shots that includes Final Crisis #6!  But watch out for major spoilers! In relation to that, we talk about major characters not getting the privilege of dying in their own books, Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury, and Keanu Reeves’ next film.

Download the episode here

(If you are having trouble with the downloads, right-click the link, Save Link As… and that should take care of it.)


Tres Komikeros 15


After douching away about brand-new TV sets and messing around in comic shops, EJ, Alex, and John review Secret Six #4, Elmer #1, and Final Crisis #5.  They also react to what they’ve seen of the live-action Dragonball film and the whole gender-switching trend in superheroes as of late.  Lastly, the boys have a panel discussion about which of the big two universes they would like to live in as civilians.

Download the episode here

(If you are having trouble with the downloads, right-click the link, Save Link As… and that should take care of it.)


Cover of the Week – 11.06.08

Cover of the Week is my presentation of the best cover from last week’s comic book releases, based on the art, design, and overall good looks.

This week’s cover is a no-brainer for me.  Since the book’s so good and the art didn’t disappoint, it’s also safe to say that it’s the best issue of the week, and also the one with the best cover.  So without further ado, ladies and gents, children and children of mind, I present thee, BIG ASS ROBOT.

Gigantic #1 art & cover by Eric Nguyen


What I like about this is that though it uses the classic “pyramid” format, Nguyen is able to portray a scene where there’s this big robot going through a city, people below are panicking, big robot is being attacked by flying things, and the best part is, you don’t know if the robot guy is angry/destroying the city, or is also running away from the flying shooting things like how the people under him are running away. It’s art with a mix of emotions accompanied with a warm-cool color feel.

Runner ups: Amazing Spider-Man #576 (Chris Bachalo), Final Crisis: Resist (Ryan Sook)

ams resist

Bonus! Panel of the Week: Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom #1


Ahh, life lessons from your friendly spooky bat-person.

Also… looky:


That’s all for this week!


Cover of the Week – 10.23.08

Cover of the Week is my presentation of the best cover from last week’s comic book releases, based on the art, design, and overall good looks.

I’m a big fan of minimalism. You know, less clutter and more emphasis on design. So this week’s covers features non-cramped covers with minimalist design. And boy do I like ’em! And the fairest of them all is none other than Darkseid!

Final Crisis #4 (cover by J.G. Jones)

He’s the King of the Week! The Master of Evil! The Anti-Life Equator! (Equator?) Anyways, J.G. Jones makes pretty awesome art, from interiors to covers to interiors back. Like I’ve said, it’s nothing grand, just a simple figure of Darkseid occupying the page, but it delivers the feel of his presence and how big his role is in the book. For that, I give you this week’s medal! And a candy bar.

Honorable mentions: Punisher #63 (Dave Johnson) & DMZ #35 (JP Leon)

Panel of the Week: New Avengers #46 (last panel/page, art by Billy Tan)

Pretty awesome, yeah?


Episode 08

It’s a strong week for comics, ladies and jerks, and what better way to celebrate that fact than by talking about the hottest new books? This week we’ve got reviews on Ultimate Spider-man #27, Final Crisis #4, and Secret Invasion #7 comin’ right atcha! We also take the time out of our busy schedules to talk a little bit about why there aren’t a lot of fan girls around. WHY? WHHHYYYY?!?!?

Download the episode here


Lastly, thanks a lot to our friends over at Nebula Productions for providing our kick-ass tunes.